Learn the Benefits of Becoming a Gold Member



Gold Benefits:

Gold Memberships are for successful shop owners of automotive repair businesses doing at least 1 million in annual revenue, with the desire to grow their business at least 10% annually.

We will work with you, and other excellent business candidates selected for your Gold group, to bring your business to the next level. Using experience, research, and collaboration, our members thrive with the lessons found in every group.

You can expect the following:

  • Maximum group size of 16. This way everyone can present, ask questions, and discover new technique and information.
    • We meet in person 4 times a year, (every quarter) this way we get to know everyone on a personal level, and can completely focus on the tasks at hand - improvement and growth.
      • Meetings are 2 full days at the Transformers HQ, or a suitable hotel venue. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinks are provided the first day and breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided the second day. Full day participation is required on both days. Additional attendees are $250 per meeting.
  • We also meet via video conference every month between meetings (8 times per year) so we can keep momentum and rapid communication.
  • You will also have up to 3 hours of access per year of emergency/brainstorming/problem solving calls with the Transformers coaching team. This way, if there is an immediate problem, or an opportunity you just aren't sure how to take advantage of, we are here with you.
  • Member can attend our 4-day Advance Service Advisor class. Every owner knows that sales training is crucial for standing out from the competition, and winning new customers. You'll have access to the best service advisor training in the industry. 
  • Member can attend our 2-day Emotional Intelligence: The Pathway to Great Leadership class (space is limited). Leadership isn't just about technical knowledge, it's about understanding people, and understanding yourself. This course can make the difference between a team that grows together, or falls apart.
  • Access to online video series “The most important 7-inches” and "Build Your Business, Unleash Your Dreams" video series.
  • Access to private “members only” SLACK channel to communicate with other members on the fly.

Optional programs and resources

  • Unlimited access to send managers/service advisors to live 4-day Advance Service Advisor class for a discounted price of $1,197.
  • Access to Advanced Service Advisor Video Coaching 12-month program for discounted price of $547.00 per month (after attendance of live class).
  • Employee attendance to 2-day Emotional Intelligence workshop for a discounted price of $597 (held 4 times per year, space is limited).
  • Enrollment of Manager in Key Leader program for the discounted price of $447 per month.
  • Onsite 2-day SWOT analysis with written report- Discounted price of $6,500 (plus travel expenses).
  • Onsite 2-day Advance Service Advisor Sales training on location for a discounted price of $6,500 (travel expenses not included).

Pricing Structure

Call for pricing. (719) 374-1505 Fernando Miranda

A 12-month commitment must be made to access all benefits listed above.




Please send us an email or message. We will be in touch with you very soon.


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